Hazardous Wastes Transport
Hazardous Wastes Transport
Dated August 1, 2007, the company Hydrodynamic has obtained the hazardous wastes transport registration attest from Regional Bureau of Environment with headquarters in Nitra. Actually the company has been disposing by the contracts closed with several companies for taking off the hazardous wastes for the most large possible range of wastes disposal and for securing their destruction place in the nearest and the most favourable location for the client. The transported wastes list has been enlarged continuously.
Our machine equipment allows transport the hazardous wastes of the ADR classes as follows:
3 Inflammable liquid substances,
4.1 Inflammable rigid substances,
5.1 Oxidizing substances,
6.1 Toxic substances,
6.2 Infectious substances,
8 Caustic substances,
9 Other hazardous substances and articles.